Each year ION launches EDITIONS with the participated off-spaces, following its annual show. Along with SUPPLIES, each purchase of EDITIONS supports the artists, off-spaces, and ION programs. The EDITIONS, launched this year, will continue to grow every year with added artworks and continue to serve the initial idea of ION; solidarity and autonomy in arts.
Each print is an additional work from the off-spaces, supplementing their initial installations from our latest exhibition, TUTORIAL, which took place on 30th October 2020 in Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany. Chosen images refer to the original works displayed at the show; some are works by single artists and some collaborative collages. All the pieces are printed, limited edition of 20, signed.
Please email info@i-o-n.org if you would like to order.
More Details:
Limited Edition of 20 (numbered and signed)
Size: 30 x 40 cm
Material: UV-print on Hahnemühlen Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth, 305 g/m²
Year: 2020
Price: 80 € per print / 480 € all 8 prints (+ VAT & shipping)
Artist: Philipp Ullman
Title: What’s That Song...I Feel Like They’re Always Listening To The Same Song ….
Clovis XV
Artist: Kevin Senant
Title: Gilles Well's Journey
Essenza Club
Artists: Neckar Doll, Alessandro Nucci, Graham Wiebe
Title: U(ncanny).F(lorescence).P(ocket)
Galerie A.M. 180
Artists: Adrian Altman, Gertie Adelaido, Jakub Hájek, František Hanousek, Vojtěch Hlaváček, Jakub Hošek, Nik Timková
Title: It takes million brain to explain what love is but only 2 hearts know
Harlesden High Street w/ Underground Flower
Artists: Chen Pin Tao, Torre Alain, Valerie You
Title: Just remain in the center, watching, and then forget that you are there
Hyperlink Athens
Artist: Hyperlink Athens
Title: Origins
Artists: Vitaly Bezpalov, Arthur Golyakov, Stas Lobachevskiy, Natalya Serkova, Vanya Venmer
Title: Eht llaw
Artist: Thunder Cage
Title: I Hope It’s Real